How to Lead a Raid


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How to Lead a Raid


I want to lead a raid, what do I need to know and how do I go about doing it?


Often you need help getting artifacts or Master Levels completed, but there are never any raids when you are on to help you accomplish that goal. Leading raids is quite simple, all it takes is a little bit of preparation in advance, and sometimes a bottle of aspirin (just kidding). Listed below are some helpful tips to leading a successful raid and some links to information that will help you accomplish your goals.

First off, when leading a raid, be prepared. Plan your raid ahead of time and announce to others that you will be running a raid on a specific day and time. Use the websites your guild and alliance host for everyone's use. Plan your route before hand and have reliable maps to aid your trek if you do not know your way around. Some good maps are listed at Vision of Sages, Armyn ab Treanid, Shadows Edge, VN Boards (stop groaning), and Forest Guardians, as well as other sites that can be located from these pages.

Know what you want to accomplish on your raid and make it known to those joining you as well. Make a list so you don't forget, be it a listing of artifacts in the order you wish to do them, a list of Master Level steps that follow the route you want to take, or a listing of mobs you want to kill. Try not to run in circles passing one thing to get to another, save time by doing things that are close to each other before moving on to something else.

If you want to let others roll on items that drop, state the rules for the lotto at the beginning of the raid and before the lotto and don't forget to set the bg loot (I will cover that later), that way people know what to expect. You can also let items drop as they fall to the groups that do the most damage, this is the easiest thing to do on a raid, this is not recommended if you want leftovers to salvage or donate to others in need.

A good raid leader keeps control of the group or battle group under their leadership. Make your directions clear before you start an encounter, do not let others take over your raid. Print up a guide or hand copy one from one of the many sites out there that offer help. You do not have to be a pro to lead a successful raid, all you need is access to the knowledge of others to guide your way.

Keep your group or battle group moving, do not tarry for long in any one place after an encounter is finished. If you are running a long raid, plan 5 minute breaks every so often, this gives people a chance to take care of necessities at regular intervals and cuts down on afk players.

Never berate your group or battle group. If you have a problem with people and their actions, stop, take a deep breath and repeat your directions, make sure they understand what is expected of them before you move on. If there are a few individuals that are causing issues, simply send them a tell and discuss it with them and state the consequences of their actions, if they continue with whatever you spoke with them about, you are the raid leader and when running a raid with a battle group, you reserve the right to remove people from your bg.

Be courteous, thank everyone for joining you and let them know you appreciate them giving their time and efforts to aid others, when people know they are appreciated they will spread the word that you are a good leader and more will come on future raids that you plan.

Last, have fun! If you aren't enjoying your raid, chances are no one else is either.

Setting BG loot.

/bg loot treasurer

/bg treasurer <name>

/bg lootlevel <#> ..... 35 gets scrolls, remains and loot, 36 gets loot but no scrolls or remains

/bg remove <player name and server>

/bg private

/bg password <whatever you want it to be>

Make macro's ahead of time, it really helps

/macro <macro name> /bc <filling>

My favorites are:

/macro LIST /bc Arty list as follows: yada yada yada

/macro MOVE /bc MOVING

/macro KILL /bc Kill the %t (simply target something and hit your KILL macro)

Items needed for running raids

You can buy all ML items in the havens, except for the ML 7 plates.

Master Level Items:

ML 1:

Nedfall Entrapment gem (one fore each group is best, but you need a min of 2 spread out)
Negative Absolution Belt
Rassa's Mirror (2, one for tank, one for /use)
Ruby (2 min for /use)

ML 2:

Hidden Door Key
Stone Key
Cracked/Ampitheater Key
Cellar Key
Kaletor's Staff
Buliss's Shield
Dimitri's Sword
Thao's Staff

ML 3:

Gremna Eel Stomach

ML 4:

Radiant Sunstone
Eye of Ra
Crystalized Ghillian Eye
Storm Crystal
Gem of Absorbtion (drops every time, useful to have if you do out of order)
Blood of Daehien (drops every time)
Marid Figurine (drops every time)

ML 5:

Each person needs to have done the group steps and have:

Mask of the Ways
Resin of the Ways
Wrap of the Ways

If they have completed the group steps and do not have the items, they can be purchased in the haven.

You also need the Canopic Jars, this is taken directly from VoS

Liver - 100% heal
Lung - Judgement correction (stops AE root/DD) <---Must have
Stomach - Either blows up some nearby crocodile summoning OR anubis
Intestines - Either blows up some nearby crocodile summoning OR anubis

ML 6:

Salamander Ash
Siam-he Head
Uraeus Tail

ML 7:

Volgorgon Glove:
Salamander Wool, Barracuda Needle, Pristine Volgorgon Hand (seperate they are tradeable, /use binds to user)

4 Plates from: Katorii's Breath, Katorii'sTouch, Katorii's Blood, and from Katorii... each plate unlocks another spawn and Katorii's plate unlocks the gates to Typhon.

ML 8:

Talos' Crystal (not sure the exact name)

ML 9:

4 Control Crystals

BG Artifact Encounters: (cannot be bought in the havens, can be found in housing or farmed)

Foppish Sleeves:

Kirkleis' Scythe

Flamedancers Boots:

Aerus Truesight Potion


Easiest... ML 10 Chanter cast CT at Flask loc, someone runs up and picks up the flask, easy.

Epic Mob Encounters in TOA:


Medusa Head


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This site was last updated 06/04/07