Character Titles


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What are Character Titles and how can I get one?

During your course of trying to obtain Camelot you must perform lots of tasks. From these tasks you can gain certain titles to show off to your fellow Hibernia family what tasks you have completed. Here are the titles you can earn and how you can obtain each title:

Misc Titles:

Elder: Players account has reached it's 4th year anniversary
Epic Challenger: Participating in 10 Apocalypse, Olcasgean, or King Tuscar kills
Epic Victor: Participating in 10 Apocalypse, Olcasgean, or King Tuscar kills
Dragon Foe: Participating in 10 dragon kills
Dragon Scourge: Participating in 50 dragon kills
Demonslayer: Participating in 5 Legion kills
Demonbane: Participating in 25 Legion kills
Demonscourge: Participating in 250 Legion kills
Dread Vanquisher of Legion: Participating in 1000 Legion kills

Crafting Titles:

Honored Crafter: Craft skill of 400-999 before v 1.87
Revered Crafter: Craft skill of 1000 or greater before 1.87

Champion Titles:

Seeker: CL 1
Enforcer: CL 2
Outrider: CL 3
Lightbringer: CL 4 
King's Champion: CL 5
King's Emissary: CL 6
Peacekeeper: CL 7
Visionary: CL 8
Master of the Labyrinth: CL 9
Champion of the Realm: CL 10

RvR Related Titles:

Battle Enforcer: 2000 total deathblows
Lone Enforcer: 2000 solo enemy kills
Master Soldier: 2000 total enemy kills
Master Enforcer: 25000 total enemy kills
Bane of Albion: 2000 total Albion Kills
Bane of Hibernia: 2000 total Hibernia Kills
Bane of Midgard: 2000 total Midgard Kills
Scourge of Albion: 25000 total Albion Kills
Scourge of Hibernia: 25000 total Hibernia Kills
Scourge of Midgard: 25000 total Midgard Kills
Stronghold Soldier: Participating in the capture of 100 towers
Stronghold Chief: 1000 towers captured
Frontier Challenger: Participating in the capture of 10 keeps
Frontier Vindicator: Participating in the capture of 50 keeps
Relic Soldier: 2 Relics Taken, Group only
Relic Chief: 10 Relics Taken, Group only

Special thanks to Bangrus of Armyn ab Treanid for this page.

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This site was last updated 06/04/07