Frontiers Zone


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What is the Frontier Zone and why would I go there?

There are so many questions that can go along with the Frontiers Zone. First off, you need to learn how to teleport to different keeps so you can move around the Frontiers easier. When at Druim Ligen or Druim Cain, you might notice a stone pillar to the west of the doors leading into the keep. Walk up to this pillar and then right click on it. This will bring up a Realm War Map. You can also obtain this map by typing /rw. This map shows you the Frontiers and it will show you all of your keeps and if you click on the Albs or Mids tabs, it will show you their country.

Each country has an assigned color and Hibernia's color is green, Midgard is blue and Albion is red . Each country has seven keeps that you must defend from the enemy because the enemy can capture these keeps. Next to each keep are four towers. If your country controls a keep and all four of that keeps towers, then you can teleport there. Within your country you can only teleport to the keeps that are close to the river. In Hibernia those keeps are Dun Ailinne, Dun Scathaig, Dun nGed, and Dun Crauchon.

So now that you are next to the pillar and you know where you can teleport, click on the keep you wish to teleport to. Say you want to boat to Albion country. The easiest way to get there would be to boat and the closest boat to the enemy oceans is the keep Dun Crauchon. Dun Crauchon is the top right keep. Left click the keep on the Realm War Map and then at the bottom you will see a "Teleport" button appear. Click Teleport and wait 5 seconds to be transported to that keep.

Now that you are at the assigned keep, you can run to the docks and proceed to purchasing a boat ticket to the enemy country you wish to go and fight in.

Once you get to the docks you will see a merchant where you can buy your tickets. Right click the merchant when you are near him and purchase whatever ticket you want. Certain tickets will take you directly to a certain enemy keep, or you can buy a ticket to the coast line itself. The coast line is the safest route since it is hard to keep watch of the whole ocean-side border. Once you buy a ticket, locate that ticket within your inventory and then hand it back to the merchant by left clicking the ticket and dragging it over to the merchant and left clicking again. Shortly after, a boat will appear and you are able to board the boat.

To board a boat just double left click the boat. The boat will sit for 30 seconds waiting for any last Hibernia member to go with you until it will depart for your tickets destination. Once on a the boat, there are two things you can do. You can sit and wait for the boat to automatically drop you off at your destination or you can jump whenever you wish by typing /disembark. I highly recommend not typing that in the middle of the ocean =).  To save time I would also suggest making a Macro to disembark.. please see Macro's and QBinding section for more information on macro's.

Special thanks to Bangrus of Armyn ab Treanid for this section.

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This site was last updated 06/04/07