House Permissions


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How to set permissions for your house:

You've purchased your house and you have decorated it... is there anything else you need to do?

Aye, when you purchase a house it is automatically locked to everyone not on your account. There are permissions you need to set to make your house open for others to utilize your merchants and teleporter.

First, you need to decide who you wish to allow to use your house, now, don't worry, this doesn't mean others are going to move in, this only means that you can allow people to enter your home and use your teleporter or just to look around at your decorations. There are eight (8) commands you can use to begin setting permissions:

/housefriend [name] (allows that character permissions that you set)

/housefriend account [name] (allows all characters on that account permissions that you set)

/housefriend guild [guild name] (allows all members of that guild permissions that you set)

/housefriend rank [rankname] (allows all members of that rank in your guild permissions that you set)

/housefriend class [class name] (allows all members of that class permissions that you set)

/housefriend race [race name] (allows all members of that race permissions that you set)

/housefriend all (allows everyone permissions that you set)

/boot [name] (removes that player from your house)


Once you determine house friends shift + right-click on a wall inside your house. A house options window will appear. [Do not close this window when you click on [Access] or [Friends] as it will close those windows as well, simple move the window to the side if you cannot see your [Access] or [Friends] windows]

Now, Click on [Friends] to view house friend permissions list, and select a house friend level for the /housefriend commands you just set. [Note: do levels for one person/guild at a time or write down the settings you chose.] Click accept when you are done. You can go back and change permission levels at any time.

Now, on the house options window select [Access], a new window will appear with a drop down menu. Guest is the default on this window. Left-click on the [Guest] box and a menu will appear. Select the level you need to set permissions for (if you are setting for /housefriend all, I would suggest using the [Visitor] option).

Once you select the level you want to set permissions for you will see these options:

If you are setting for /housefriend all, which allows anyone access that you set permissions for, it is wise to only select [Enter House] and [Use Merchants], if you want, you can also allow [Pay Rent]. For people you know and trust, you can set other levels of permission.  Once you are done setting permissions, click on [Accept]. You can go back and change these permissions at any time.


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This site was last updated 06/05/07