Who we are
Guild Code

Guild Code

[ Reason for CoC | General Conduct | Net Decency | Roleplaying | Hunting Etiquette | Wealth | Events | Alternates ]

For the purposes of this code, each item will be put into one of 3 categories (Rule, Expectation, Encouraged) Here are the explanations:
Encouraged: items that are encouraged are not as strictly enforced but reflect well on your character
Expectation: Expecations are stronger guidelines for behavior, repeated failure to follow expectations will lead to a warning and possibly removal.
Rule: These are rules that members of the guild must follow, failure to follow rules can result in removal from the guild.

Reasons for a Code of Conduct

  1. Being that Armyn ab Treanid is made up of many diverse players of different ages, mindsets and customs, there are certain guidelines that need to be in place within the guild to make sure that people are not made to feel uncomfortable in the game.
  2. Though there are different ranks and responsibilities that characters hold within Armyn ab Treanid, a player should never be in a position of being made to feel inferior to another player.
  3. A Code of Conduct promotes trust and unity within a set of people.
  4. Since Armyn ab Treanid will be dealing with many other guilds and players, it is important to achieve and maintain a good rapport and reputation.

General Conduct

  1. All members regardless of rank will not verbally degrade, abuse, or intimidate any other player in the game. (Expectation)
  2. All members of the guild will realize that the good of the guild should take precedence over their own desires. This applies to the newest initiate as well as the Guild Leader. If someone is promoted into a position for the good of the guild, and someone else is displaced by this promotion, there is no reason for dramatics and hurt feelings. These changes are not trivial things and are meant for the good of the guild. Even the Guild Leader is bound by these actions. Any resulting demotion to an individual is not a negative reflection on you! It is for the best of the guild. (Expectation)
  3. In as much as the good of the guild should outweigh the good of an individual, the good of the Alliance outweighs the good of the guild. (Expectation)
  4. All members regardless of rank will not ridicule or belittle any other member's ideas. Disagreements and debates will always occur given the wide variety of views and personalities, but regardless lack respect for another's ideas and personal attacks in attempt to win an argument is not acceptable. (Expectation)
  5. All members will always be honest and trusting to one another. A person will never intentionally "rip-off", cheat, or steal a person's possessions through game bugs, lies, misdirection, or any other method. This applies to other members of the Alliance as well. (Rule)
  6. No member is expected to drop what they are doing to aid another member at a camping site, by buffing them with spells, or escorting them about the lands. Regardless though, if help is asked and can not be given for whatever reason, then an answer explaining why shall be returned. Armyn ab Treanid is a family and shall not intentionally ignore one another, but the requestor also needs to take into account that the person they are asking for help from might be "afk" or simply missed their tells. Always assume good intent. (Expectation)
  7. No guild member may purposefully and/or repeatedly violate any part of Blizzard's code of conduct for World of Warcraft. This also applies to the special considerations attached to playing on a Role Playing server. (Rule)

Net Decency

  1. All members will refrain from "Spamming" on any chat channel whether it is the guild, group, general, tells, trade, or normal talk etc. (Expectation)
  2. All members will refrain from having open arguments between one another on any public channel. (Expectation)
  3. All members are expected to support one another's ideals vs non-guild members within reason. (Encouraged)
  4. All members are expected to refrain from using foul or inappropriate language. If your roleplaying persona uses foul language, try to limit this, or at least use different words and warn folks to turn on their "Bad word filter" in your presence. (Strongly Encouraged)
  5. Stalking or harassing another player repeatedly is prohibited. If someone tells you to stop an offensive action, or cease a particular roleplaying action, all members of Armyn ab Treanid will do so. (Rule)
  6. Make an account at the guild message board and make every effort to stay informed about guild events and other happenings (Encouragement)
  7. Also it would be usefull if members would register at Allakhazam and download their WoW Reader program. After installing and running the program email me at keshek@gmail.com with links to your characters that I can link to on the members page. Also set the background color to #000066 if you would. (Encouraged)


  1. Roleplay your character to the maximum extent possible, on all channels. (Strongly Encouraged)
  2. Not all people have the same definition of roleplaying. Do not berate or chastise another member for not roleplaying the way you may roleplay (Expectation)
  3. If you really must break character and engage in OOC talk, feel free to make a chat channel for this purpose. (Encouraged)
  4. We are defenders of our Alliance, do not sit by idly while the Horde invade our lands. (Encouraged)

Hunting Etiquette

  1. All members should refrain from the looting of critters while grouped in combat, other then by accident. Armyn ab Treanid shall not display open greed while group members are in danger. (Expectation)
  2. Members should not move into another's camping spot without first asking permission to share in the spawn, or join with the other group. If the other party does not feel that there is enough experience for all people then one should move on. In any case, the secondary group must carry out the wishes of the original group at the site, pertaining to camp sharing. (Rule)
  3. Armyn ab Treanid does not condone the intentional "training" of critters into other groups or people. Trains happen and sometimes there is not enough time to warn others so assume good intent. A member that causes a train should never take over a spot hit by that train even if accidental for this can be perceived very poorly by the victims and can have adverse effects on the guild as a whole. Due to the game mechanics of WoW, this scenario is unlikely, however the sentiment should also be kept in mind. (Rule)
  4. Armyn ab Treanid does not condone the abuse of game mechanics to hunt safely (killing critters where you can not be harmed) (Rule)


  1. Armyn ab Treanid has no problem with personal wealth, but being that we are a family we ask all members to help out within reason by donating unneeded items to the guild for distribution to other lesser fortunate members. This does not mean giving up money that you need, but if you come across something a member could benefit from, it would be nice to help them.(Encouraged)
  2. Unless the group agrees otherwise it is expected that Armyn members will only roll on items that you can realistically use. That does not mean that your Paladin or Warrior can roll on cloth items just because he can wear them. (Expectation)
  3. It is perfectly acceptable for members to solicit for help in obtaining of an item, but never shall solicited members be hand picked based on the fact that they do not need such an item. Obvious fear of losing a lotto to another member who also needs such an item is greedy and selfish. (Rule)
  4. Armyn ab Treanid's funds are in place to help all members within reason. Members should refrain from putting a strain on the Guild's wealth by constant or extreme requests. (Encouraged)

Event Attendance

As a guild, we ask that all members who meet the requirements of an event participate as frequently as possible, even if the event is not particularly your favorite choice. However, bear in mind that certain conditions may cause the guild to place restraints on such things as the number of people attending an event, or other overlying conditions. The right of attendance will be given to those members who sign up first and are at the event on time as well as those who show willingness to attend events of all types. Special circumstances may require us to invite certain classes that are needed to carry out the strategy of an event.

For your involvement in guild activities, we do ask the following from you:

  • Play your characters regularly.
  • If you are playing, please be part of the guild. (Engage in guild chat, , group with members, attend events, etc.)
  • If not able to play, be active on the Guild Forums .
  • If you are unable to play, or visit the boards for whatever reason, please let a member of the council know of your situation.



In order to facilitate in keeping track of members of Armyn ab Treanid the coucil imposes the following restrictions on secondary characters. First of all, officers need to have ALL of their characters in the guild at the appropriate rank. Officers just cannot afford to not be intimately involved with the guild.

Armyn ab Treanid has no problems with alternate characters. All we ask is that you get your alternate characters in the guild at the appropriate rank in order to keep track of who you are. We also ask that you make every effort to "refresh" your character as often as possible.

Primary characters will receive priority in distibuting guild items.
