Trading Houses


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How do I move to another house lot or trade my house?


Due to the rules Mythic has set for 1 house per account per server/realm, you cannot own more than one house at a time on the same server/realm, unless you have more than one account with characters on that realm. You can work around this though.

If you find a lot that you like better than the one you have, you can move, but, you have to do a few things first. You can let your rent slide and let your house get repossessed, or you can find another player to trade your house to.

Before you do either, make sure you have your house affairs in order.

1. Settle with your CM, if you have any coin on your CM, you need to remove it by clicking withdraw on your merchant window. If you are trading your house to another player, pick up your merchant (left-click and use your 'get nearest object' key) and purchase a 'Porch Demolition Deed' from the Meath market.

2. Pick up any house decorations that you want to keep, trophies, special in-game rewards, or just anything that is special to you. If you are trading to another player, you need to clear everything from your home.

3. Pick up any NPC's and vaults that you want to keep, these will carry to your new house in your inventory and your items will stay in the vaults. This will also save you money as you will not have to buy replacement NPC's and vaults, you can pick up your bindstone as well if you have one.

If you leave your CM and your vaults in your house and it gets repossessed, you will need to go to the Meath market and see the bankers located there to get the items in your vault and on your CM, anything else that was in your house when it was repossessed will be lost.

Now that you have settled your house affairs, it is time to let your house get repossessed, if you had a full lockbox, this could take up to a month to happen.

If you are trading to another player, you need to purchase a 'House Title' from the Meath market, if you have not removed your porch, purchase a 'Porch Demolition Deed' at this time too [to use this deed, simply left-click on the 'Porch Demolition Deed' in your inventory and drag to your porch, left-click on your porch to use the deed (note: if you have not emptied your house of all items you will not be able to use the deed.)].

Once you have the 'House Title', stand on your lot and trade it to the other player (to do this, left-click on the 'House Title' in your inventory and drag it to the other player, then left-click to drop it on them, this will open a trade window. Left-click accept when the little bubble above the accept button is solid). Now, you can go purchase your new house lot and place a home there too.


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This site was last updated 06/05/07