Artifact Guide




Oh my god!! I need to get artifacts for my character!!! What do I do? Where do I go? What can I use? Hopefully the links here will provide helpful to you in your artifact quest. If you see something that is incorrect, see the feedback forum.

Artifact encounters have changed in the way they work since ToA originally came out. You no longer need the artifact, scrolls and credit to activate an artiface, you only need the proper scrolls and credit. This change effected the way many artifact encounters are done, in many cases, Vision of Sages is not correct in how to complete an artifact encounter.

[EDIT: As of v1.89, Mythic is changing the way many Artifact encounters work, until then, no Artifact walkthroughs will be added]

  Simplified Artifact Database

Alvarus Leggings (Alvarus) - Battle Group

Arms of the Winds (AoW) - Battle Group

Aten's Shield (Aten's) - Group

Atlantis Tablet (AT) - Battle Group

Band of Stars (BoS) - Group

Bane of Battler (Battler) - Battle Group

Belt of the Moon (BoM) - Group

Belt of the Sun (BoS) - Group

Bracer of Zo'arkat (Zo Bracer) - Battle Group

Braggart's Bow (BB) - Battle Group

Bruiser - Battle Group

Ceremonial Bracer (CB) - Battle Group

Cloudsong (CS) - Group

Crocodile's Tears Ring (CTR) - Group

Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (CTD) Battle Group

Crown of Zahur (Zahur) - Battle Group

Cyclops Eye Shield (CES) - Battle Group

Dream Sphere (DS) - Group

Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone (EDS) - Group

Egg of Youth (EoY) - Battle Group

Eirene's Hauberk (Eirene's) - Group

Enyalio's Boots (EB) - Battle Group

Erinys Charm (EC) - Battle Group

Eternal Plant (EP) - Battle Group

Flamedancers Boots (FB) - Battle Group

A Flask (Flask) - Battle Group

Fool's Bow (FB) - Group

Foppish Sleeves (Foppish) - Battle Group

Gem of Lost Memories (GoLM) - Group

Goddess' Necklace - Group

Golden Scarab Vest (GSV) - Group

Golden Spear (GS) - Battle Group

Guard of Valor (GoV) - Battle Group

Harpy Feather Cloak - Group

Healers Embrace Cloak (HE) - Group

Jacina's Sash (Jacina's or Sash) - Battle Group

Kalare's Necklace (KN) - Group

Maddening Scalars (MS) - Battle Group

Malice's Axe (Malice) - Battle Group

Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves (Mariasha's) - Group

Nailah's Robes (Nailah's) - Group

Night's Shroud Bracelet - Battle Group

Oglidarsh's Belt (OB) - Group

Orion's Belt (OB) - Group

Phoebus' Harp (Phoebus) - Battle Group

Ring of Dances (RoD) - Group

Ring of Fire - Group

Ring of Unyielding Will - Group

Scepter of the Meritorious (Scepter) - Group

Scorpion's Tail Ring - Group

 Shades of Mist (SoM) - Battle Group

Shield of Khaos (SoK) - Battle Group

Snakecharmer's Weapon - Group

Snatcher's Tale (Snatcher's) - Group

Spear of Kings (SoK) - Battle Group

Staff of the God's - Battle Group

Stone of Atlantis - Group

Tartaros' Gift (Tarts) - Battle Group

Traitors Dagger (TD) - Group

Traldor's Oracle (Traldors) - Group

Winged Helm - Battle Group

Wings Dive - Group


[Note: If an artifact has no information about it, it just means I have not inputed it yet, please be patient, in the mean time, VoS has a good compilation, though, some of it is a bit out dated...]

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This site was last updated 06/04/07